Friday 12 July 2019


religion does not belong to any individual, any sect or any community. It is the best means for building of human consciousness and career. man has been observing  religion since time immemorial in order to maintain natural laws of creation. By observing religion man establishes communication between himself and the animal world and maintains balance between nature and mankind.

whatever object man sees in his surroundings, that of object has a particular property. All objects abide by the law of nature. Sun gives rays, moon gives beams and tree gives shelter and fruits, Fire goes up and gold dazzles. These objects always maintain their property. Similarly righteousness  is the property of  man, which constantly inspires man to adopt the path of justice. This truth applies to the whole of mankind. This is the only human religion which solves all the problems of society and maintain balance between nature and mankind, Hence righteousness is the religion of man.

Religious controversies are taking place due to various option in the prevailing religious systems. Various sects and communities are raising heads due to various option. Hence the religious thoughts of man are getting polluted. In the name of religion heinous crimes are being committed. Each and every human beings should remember that a Hindu reads the Gita in a temple, A Christian reads the Bible in a Church, An  Islam reads the Quran in a Mosque. A man may adopt any religion, Any  path such as Nama yogo or Bhaktiyogo. But the aim and objective of all is one god. If a man reaches the abode of God by adopting any path, then there lies the success of human birth.
Hence every human being should observe truth in word and deeds. Then only he will realise God and understand the true philosophy of life. Righteousness is the only religion of man. Truth is only asset. Adopting the path of truth, Man will be established in the field of administration, business and religion. And a voice will be heard from within his heart "I am not a Hindu, Not an Islam, Not a Christian but I am a human being and humanism is my religion"
Truth of religion

Without truth, human religion is meaningless
If man does not observe truth in words and deeds, then his religion has no meaning. Falsehood and injustice pollute the through TS of man. Hence man should realise the essence of truth, think it in mind and express it in words. This is the natural law fixed by the Divine. Man should abide by this law and do his duties properly with strict adherence to truth.
If on behalf of the government power is given for a permanent solution to religious controversies and for founding a religious state in India, harmony between all religions will be established and well being of the message can be done.

Hi friends I hope the solution to religious controversies article will actually change the think of all people that humanism is only religion.

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